Child Protection

International Convention on the Rights of the Child as ratified by Law 2101 of 1992

According to the International Health Organization (1999), the abuse or the mistreatment of children includes «all the forms of physical or emotional mistreatment, sexual abuse, neglect of care or exploitation for monetary or other goals, which leads to specific or possible damage on the child’s life, development and dignity, within the framework of a relationship of responsibility, trust and power. »

Ensuring the well-being and safety of children, including the prevention of child abuse or maltreatment, is a paramount goal of ALTERA VITA. This policy provides guidance about how to identify and respond to concerns about the well-being of a child, including possible abuse or neglect.

Purpose, Scope and Principles

Our child protection policy supports our staff to respond appropriately to potential child protection concerns, including suspected abuse or neglect. It is our organisation’s commitment to protect children from abuse and to recognise the important roles all our staff have in protecting children.

Definition of Child Abuse

The Children’s and Young People’s Well-being Act 1992 defines child abuse as ‘…the harming (whether physically, emotionally, sexually) ill-treatment, abuse, neglect or deprivation of any child or young person”.

Roles and Responsibilities of Staff

It is the responsibility of staff to be vigilant, have knowledge and awareness of the indicators of neglect, potential or actual abuse and to report any concerns, suspicions or allegations of suspected abuse immediately and ensure that the concern is taken seriously and reported.s.


ALTERA VITA has an appointed Child Protection Advisor. This function is  held by:

 CPA – Miltos Sakellariou, MSc Counseling Psychologist

 Phone: +306972204356


Project Management

The National Centre for Social Solidarity (NCSS), within the framework of its responsibilities, offers to children and teenagers who are neglected and or abused, psychological support and counselling via its specialized helpline.

National Child Protection Helpline 1107

Through the Child Protection Policy, National Child Protection Helpline 1107»*, operates on a 24/7 basis, children who are victims of abuse or any form of violence, can speak with a Social Worker or Psychologist, by calling the 4-digit number «1107», to receive counselling and psychosocial support.

Child Protection Policy Document

Here is the whole document of our organisation