The p63 Sindrome EEC International organization, from Padova, Italy, with ALTERA VITA from Syros Greece, implements an innovative program this year for RARE GENETIC DISEASES, thanks to the support of the ERASMUS PLUS program 2021-1-IT02 –KA210 ADU-000029645-21 MAY 2021.
Our first announcement and communication is dedicated to teachers/schools and escorts and parents/families of children aged 6 to 14 years.
Through the RED program, a distance learning course will be created in 3 different languages that will be introduced issues concerning rare genetic diseases, in a period of seasonal cultural change and social issues “, as stated by the president, Dr. Julia Volpato, cooperating body from Italy. http://www.sindrome-eec.it/it/
In total, it will be created and will be available to the public:
- 3 Online courses in English, Italian and Greek, on the MOODLE platform E-learning of ALTER VITA at the address:
- Database with reports, bibliography, and good practices.
- YOUTUBE CHANEL Erasmus + R.E.D. Project, and all social media networking to support the implementation and dissemination of the RED program.
A website dedicated to the program for rare genetic diseases
- Through the MOODLE app, the utilization of m-Learning for the creation of virtual classrooms in schools by teachers who would like to implement and inform parents and students of their schools.
We hope and aim to create a network of institutions, schools, teachers, parents, and specialists, interested in rare genetics pan-European diseases, in cooperation with the European Network of Cities and Of Regions – ENSA that we participate as active members.
E-courses -RED
RED’s beneficiaries are parents and teachers willing to embark on an in-depth journey on the inclusion of rare diseases in school through the application of digital, particularly for the 6-14 age group. The project is accessible from personal computers, Android or IOS phones. The RAREDUCANDO EDUCATION DIGITAL project also promotes the aggregate work of adult educators/parents/educational communities, to begin to share a path and thinking and acquire skills and knowledge, both in their own social core and, in international comparison, between the two partner countries and others, through the application in Italian, Greek and English.
The target group that gives life to the project and participates in the creation-implementation actions technical/socio/scientific data-coordination-monitoring, is the Staff of the 2 partners, technical experts and trainers who identify a contact person per organisation, responsible for the project and its execution. Availability is both present and online according to current health needs.
We created an E-COURSE in English, Italian and Greek in the MOODLE PLATFORM of ALTERA VITA