Summer School Altera Vita – Altera Scuola

Altera Vita organizes and hosts educational sports camps for kids. Our goals are:
- the organization of sporting events to systematically cultivate and develop the potential of young people and people with disabilities as provided for by current legislation to create strong moral character through the spread of sports.
- participation in sports competitions, and efforts to create sports grounds for young people and people with disabilities, contributing to their social inclusion.
- support for summer camps and hostels for children with disabilities, and youth, as well as the hospitality of young people from Europe through corresponding programs on Culture, the promotion of Volunteering, the understanding of the different peoples of Europe and the acquisition of a common European Conscience.
ALTERA VITA continues this year the educational athletic- Camp, 2nd SUMMER SCHOOL SCUOLA -ALTERA, on the premises of the 2nd elementary school -Ermoupolis Syros, with sports and educational activities.
A team of Teachers, Psychologists, Psychologists, and animators with experience, and passion for work, will be there to teach your children in addition to sports, attitudes and life skills, on issues related to Prevention and Health Promotion. respect for the Environment, as well as the values that promote well-being.
Especially this year at the end of the teacher Camp we will host the group Α.Σ.Τ.Ο. from Patras, to teach the children of the Camp experientially and pleasantly Mathematics !!!
Through this comprehensive program of activities, the 2nd summer school “ALTERA VITA- ALTERA SCUOLA, aims to function as a tool for the social and cultural development of our place.
In each thematic unit, ALTERA VITA- ALTERA SCUOLA places as its goal to stimulate the interest of the participating children, through experiential education groups, so that they can start looking for and learning how to approach Mental and Physical Health, the Environment, Culture, Sports, with responsibility, love and enthusiasm.
The training camp “ALTERA VITA-ALTERA SCUOLA”, will operate for children 5 to 13 years old, 7 hours every working day (08: 00-3: 00).
For younger children 3-5 years, from this year, there is the possibility of attending an alternative program that will operate from 8.30-12.30 pm
The department will operate if there are similar participations.
For reasons of proper operation of the educational program, the participation of children is set at least weekly.
The number of registrations is limited and concerns the capacity of the School’s facilities and premises. Registrations will be open until June 20 or earlier if the children’s seats are filled!
Training managers:
Miltos Sakellariou, MSc Counseling Psychology
Eugenia Armakolas, MSc School Psychology
The very first ALTERA VITA ALTERA SQUOLA The alternative summer camp “ALTERA VITA-ALTERA SCUOLA” took part at the private school Ag. George-Frer finished with great success. Children aged 5-12, had the opportunity to “escape” from life in the city, without moving away from its heart, participating in a special experience at the Private School “Agios Georgios-FRER” in Ermoupolis.
A rich summer educational program, which included art, music and theatre workshops, photography and cinema, environmental awareness, and emotional education groups.
The summer educational program aims to involve children in a creative process, to release imagination and creativity, to acquire knowledge, to enhance skills, to stimulate sociability and communication, to cultivate team spirit through fun, various expressive and artistic inventions.
Through this comprehensive program of activities, the summer school ALTERA VITA- ALTERA SCUOLA, aims to function as a tool for the social and cultural development of our place.
In each thematic unit, ALTERA VITA- ALTERA SCUOLA places its goal to stimulate the interest of the participating children, through experiential education groups, so that they can start looking for and learning how to approach Mental and Physical Health, the Environment, Culture, Sports, with responsibility, love and enthusiasm. Training Manager: Miltos Sakellariou, MSc Counseling Psychology
Instructors-animators: Giannis Lappas, ICT Educator
Eugenia Armakola, Teacher MSc School Psychology
Eugenia Sagkinetou, Educator
Maria Frangoyanni, Educator
Thanks to the valuable contribution to our program, Frere Nicolas who shared with us the secrets of the garden !!